Actress Thandeka Dawn King talks about her path to sangoma
“It’s not easy to be a healer, but I’m not going to trade my trip for anything else, and I get all the obstacles and rewards with my journey.

“I even forgot what my life was like before I accepted this endless voyage of knowledge. You wouldn’t understand if you didn’t have a call. And if you have one, hold it with both hands and value it,” she wrote an izangoma dance video.
She emphasized further, if you have a call, you must appreciate the choice of the spirit and be obedient.
“U Nomkhubulwane Mvelinqangi A neziThunywa neziNgelosi makhosi nezingonyama neZindlondlo for you. You know your tasks when you are a vessel and do them obediently.”
Recently, many individuals have questioned why many local celebrities have become izangoma.
The actress DiepCity stated people who had no call should quit disturbing those who had listened to and accepted.
“If you are not chosen to heal spiritually and do not have this particular call, do not emphasize those who are called to accomplish it. For a reason, they were chosen. I’m confident you would discover your calling if you concentrated on yourself and your trip. That’s great luck,” she remarked.
Thandeka has also commented in the past about how people have stereotypical views about how people with an appeal should appear, dress and behave.
“People must realize that the process of an ancestral summoning is profound and personal. Who is to tell how this gift should be expressed? First, being an artist is my forefathers’ gift. The talent that I have to become different personalities and provide healing by the personas that I portray is a means to exercise my ancient gift.
“Practice takes various shapes, and the amadlozi [ancestors] of people want various things. Not everybody is going to wear traditional sangoma attire. Not everyone has a big sign outside their house that stipulates their service list or wears beads constantly.”