Tag Archives: Sido and Manana.

Sido And Manana Set The Record Straight On Instagram.

Sido and Manana are a young couple who became famous after their first appearance on our television screens on a reality show called Mina Nawe. Mina Nawe is a show that deals with married couple or people who are in a relationship and they are facing challenges.

Sido and Manana had opened up to us that they had trust issues, or should I say Manana specifically had trust issues because of her husband’s infidelity. Her husband was secretly seeing a woman who goes by the name of Agreement. She came between a husband and wife and that was when they lost happiness in their marriage and decided to seek help.

They had to set the record straight after that hectic episode of Mina Nawe season Finale.
Talking about your past is not an easy thing to do to some people out there. On the season finale-tell-it-all a host who is known as Somizi Mhlongo asked the m questions about Agreement again. That very same moment they both changed and decided to leave the show. Sido was the first one to walk out and Manana followed as usual.

They left the house fuming with anger and in that very moment the producers and everyone in the show just kept quiet and moved on like nothing happened. Can this be because Agreement and Sido are still seeing each other and playing Manana because we have seen how an innocent person acts like after Bhut’Bheki and Mam’ Grave were asked questions about Mam Graces “side nigga”

See other photos of Sido And Manana.

“Sido And Manana Think That They Are Beyonce And JZ Of Mina Nawe House” Says A Twitter Fan

People Are Not Pleased About This Two.

Sido and Manana were one of the couples who went to the boot camp called “Mina Nawe House” looking for help as they were facing challenges in their marriage.

People used to love this beautiful couple until they have seen right through them. This couple used to gossip about other couples and worse of all Sido used to take people’s problems and turn them into a joke. This was noticed by Mpho and he confronted him but Sido protected his wrong doings by denying everything.

In the season finale Somizi who was the host asked This couple some few questions about Agreement and they were not willing to answer anything but they said no “comment”. This came as a surprise as some couples answered about their past and they didn’t complain showing that they have moved on. People still think that Manana is a lady that can’t say no to her husband. He goes with whatever that Sido says. They also think that Sido is still seeing Agreement behind Manana’s back.

Here are people’s comments.

Sido and Manana were this chubby just before the show?

Sido was that really you?

I stumbled upon Sido and Manana’s pictures which date back about two years and I was stunned at how much weight Sido had lost.

Could it have been because of the cheating saga or did they both decide to do so? The couple’s seems to love the limelight and the cameras as they got married on ‘Married in a flash which airred on SABC3.


We have all come to love this new but soon ending reality show in Moja Love, it’s all about fixing broken marriages and one of the couple’s who seemed to have their work cut out for them was Sido and Manana.

They have a 9 years old daughter together and seem to be going on strong.

Which of the couples from the house do you think are more likely to separate?

What is your take on the abusive men that the women are hanging on to?

The two performers found love when Manana was on a wheelchair and although infidelity and trust taking a knock they needed to join the show.

This is their recent picture.