The most toxic couple in #minanawehouse

The most toxic couple in #minanawehouse

Today it was last day of couples to be in#minanawehouse. Every couples that were in #minanawehouse have their own problems. Some were able to be fixed but some where not. It was one of draining episode that one has experience breakthrough in order to open a new chapter. 

If you have been following #minanawehouse from first episode of the first season untill episode 11 you wpuld have picked up the most toxuc relationship in #minanawehouse. A whole Award for being toxic and untidy this show didn’t do justice to this couple.

Finally Sido le Manana

 living the dream. I actually loved their performance. I was fierce critic of Sido and Manana, but truth be told that their track is fire. I’m seeing a totally different side of Manana,who could’ve really thought she’s a perfomer.And Manana looks happier, haven’t seen this side of hers since the show started. They are meant for the stage they seem to be having fun

I love the new Precious. No shouting or whatsoever. She has been soo supportive and respectful of Mpumi. She’s actually cute when she’s down.

Mpho le Makgabo got all green cards wooow this house has a problem. I honestly want Mpho and Makhabo’s marriage to work. They look so good together

Bheki and Grace the main issue betweeb then that i can say was the main cause of their relationship not being strong is the fact that Grace feel like her future and the future of her kids were not secured because Bheki’s father keeps using the words “its my son this and that” while they are marriedtraditionally. The main reason was Grace and her kids are still using their Surname while she should have changed her surname to Bheki’s surname. Thats was the only thing that holding them at least if Bheki happen to die first Grace have a same home.


Zwido and Livhuwani’s relationship are not going to be fixed. Livhuwani should not try to blackmail Zwido because they have a child together. Zwido still have a life and she can do much better that being Livhuwani’s pitching bag