Streams and Views – Nomcebo Zikode on Jerusalema vs Beyonce in Already – Who is Boss?

Nomcebo Zikode vs Beyonce YouTube views, who is the boss lady here?

If Nomcebo Zikode arrives at an event and Beyonce is there, the presence of Nomcebo Zikode is so intimidating that Beyonce moves away from the limelight to go and wash the dishes or find chores behind the behind the scenes and away from the flashing lights. This is a social media joke that circulated social media during the times when Jerusalema had just received 100 million views last year.

Now she has reached 310 million, which is 5 million more views than the song had last week. It’s growing. So let’s compare her views to Beyonce Knowles’s. She is far ahead of her American counterpath when Jerusalema is compared to Beyonce’s current hit single Already. Already is seating at 41 million views, more than 7x less than Jerusalema.

Already is an American song with an African theme. Which is why the head on comparison is more or less fair. The song features Ghanian musician Shatta Wale and Jamaican Trio – Major Lazer. The rhythm is similar to that of Master KG’s production of Jerusalema. And after so long both the songs have been on YouTube, Nomcebo Zikode the Boss Lady when it comes to views. The song is also nearing 150 million streams on Spotify as it was at 143 million on December last year.

Now about the Beyonce washing the dishes joke from earlier, what do you guys think.. Share on the comments section below