Men Don’t like me, they just pretend to & they don’t like taking me on dates

Men Just Pretend To Like Me, And They Don’t Like Taking Me Out On Dates, Says Charity.

A 24-year-old University student from Enugu State Nigeria, named Chiwetalu Charity, discussed her physical challenges in an interview with BBC Pidgin. She also discussed how she hopes to show the world that people with physical disabilities deserve to be treated with respect and not sympathy.


She was born with legs, according to the Charity. The difficulty she has with men is that they don’t really love her; they just pretend to; they don’t like taking her out on dates; they prefer her to stay inside; and she finds it upsetting that some people are ashamed of her. However, when she was a child, the doctor told her mother that they would have to amputate her legs for her to survive because she had no veins in her legs. She confirmed that any man who marries her will have a good wife, though.

She claims that she created TikTok in order to express her creativity and her desire to be joyful. She also revealed that she started it to demonstrate to the world that those who are physically challenged shouldn’t be treated differently than others; rather, they should be treated equally.

Charity stated that while some people do not want her, she has compassionate friends who do not look at her because of her physical limitations. These buddies are always there for her, correct her when she makes mistakes, and take her on adventures. She stated that she feels at ease and pleased in the company of these type of good friends.

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