Limpopo Boy once said growing up in a small village he didn’t allow The person who invented the dance move is known as Limpopo Boy, the dance move was invented in 2019 and he named it “Sdudla Dance”. Limpopo Boy’s real name Mahlatse Robert Matome Thoka and he was born and raised in Limpopo, from a small village called Botlokwa.that to be an excuse that will block his success. He started dancing professionally in 2012 and he has been making waves ever since, the dancer is known as one of the most talented in mzansi and his dance moves are very lit.I’m sure you remember him Makhadzi’s crew, he has been dancing with the singer for quite some time and together
they have been doing an amazing job in entertaining us. There you have it, the man who invented the trending dance move, what do you think about this talented dancer? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below, like and don’t forget to hit the share button.