Teddy actor in GOMORA’s may look like a teenager but his age will shock you have a look how old

We have come to know Sicelo Buthelezi as Teddy a famous actor in GOMORA . He’s achieved the goal as a highschool teenager . Sicelo deserves an Oscar it’s not easy to play a kid half your age guys Teddy is 37 years old a grown man who might even be your father .

Everyone loves Teddy in GOMORA ,he plays the part so well that everyone really thinks he’s a teenager and is still in high school . It showed on showMax what made him want to be the actor as Teddy in GOMORA .He really know how to play that character I wonder how he would be if it was in real life he would be a character in school with the new pants his class mates bought him .

Teddy is the best character in GOMORA from my opinion ,he knows his part very well and plays it with his whole heart