“Stop calling me stock, I’m not loose” says Arriana the Stock girl, see here

The ring leader of the ladies behind the John VuliGate dance hasnt been the public’s favourite person recently. She has find herself slammed on Twitter several times and for no reason at all, this is his Arriana thought that her new found fame will be like.

The grade 11 learner has found herself breathing through the wound on twitter, as it seems everything she does always backfires and tweeps are not letting her rest. The poor lady is even now afraid if posting on twitter because the twitter bullies are always waiting for her to slam her when she didn’t even do nothing wrong.

It seems like Arianna has finally had it with the twitter bullies and she finally addressed an issue that has been bothering her.

“Guys let’s clarify something here, I’m not Stocko (loose girl) with the ‘C’ I’m Stoko (Girl) without ‘C’ IF YOU GET WHAT I’M SAYING,” Arianna wrote.

According to Arianna, people should stop calling her stocko because she has a bright future ahead of her, and people seems to thing she dorsnt care about school now that she is famous.

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