Stocko girl slammed for her broken english, see here

Since the 19 year old Kwamhlanga lady, Arianna Matt gate gained fame a few weeks ago, she hasn’t been in people’s good books as she is always slammed for everything.

Although she might have gained a huge following on twitter and Instagram, tweeos have been on her case lately it seems nothing she does is ever good for the tweeps. She was recently attacked for her wrinkled dress, as tweeps were on her case just because her fmdress was not ironed. The stocko girl have been breathing through the wound lately on social media as tweeps can’t stop slamming her.

One one occasion, Arianna shared a post as she told people to watch her on Live Amp, so she wrote Life Amp instead of Live Amp and one of the tweeos quickly corrected her and told her to go back to school, and finish high school instead of trying to be a celerity.

Tweeps have been saying that the stocko girl can’t even speak english properly, no wonder she is a grade 11 learner at the age of 19. “I’ll think she says, hey guys this is Arena khekhe your stocko, catch me this Wednesday on Mughana lo Nene,” says on of the tweeps.