South African Beyonce; Gogo Skhotheni gets her son’s tattoo, but the meaning of the tattoo left Mzansi worried.

Gogo Skhotheni, a renowned traditional healer who recently announced her venture into DJing, has unveiled a unique and heartfelt tribute to her son – a tattoo of his face on her hand. The social media post, featuring photos and a video documenting the tattooing process, has stirred a mix of reactions, leaving followers both enchanted and concerned.



The images and video shared by Gogo Skhotheni showcase the intricate process of permanently etching her son’s likeness onto her hand. While the gesture is undeniably sweet and displays a profound connection between mother and son, it has ignited a diverse range of opinions among her followers.Comments flooded the post, with one follower expressing admiration, saying, “Awwww, that’s amazing work… Mommy’s boy.” The sentiment of love and dedication was echoed by many who appreciated the unique way in which Gogo Skhotheni chose to celebrate her relationship with her son.

However, not all reactions were entirely positive. Some followers expressed concerns and raised questions about the unconventional choice. One curious follower asked, “So what if u liyana would want her face to be there too?” This question sparks a broader conversation about the boundaries and implications of immortalizing loved ones through tattoos, especially when it comes to family dynamics.

Tattoos have long been recognized as a form of self-expression and a means to commemorate significant people and events in one’s life. Gogo Skhotheni’s decision to have her son’s face permanently inked onto her hand takes this tradition a step further, blending the personal with the professional, as she continues to explore new ventures in DJing.The mixed reviews and varied reactions from followers highlight the subjective nature of tattoo choices and the different ways people perceive and express familial bonds. While some celebrate the unique and artistic display of maternal love, others ponder the potential implications and complexities that may arise from such a permanent and public declaration.

In the world of Gogo Skhotheni, where tradition and modernity intertwine, this unconventional tattoo serves as a testament to the evolving nature of personal expression and familial connections. As social media continues to be a platform for sharing intimate moments, the discussion surrounding Gogo Skhotheni’s tattoo opens up dialogues about the diverse ways individuals choose to celebrate and immortalize their relationships with loved ones.