Somizi Mhlongo managed to steal the show at the Durban July event, which was hosted in Durban on the 2nd of July 2022.
Somizi Mhlongo is a well-known television personality, actor and writer. He will be turning 50 years old on the 23rd of December this year.
Despite already being 49, soon to be 50, Somizi has not lost taste when it comes to fashion.
He continues to find the right outfit that will steal the show, no matter which event he is in.
One thing we can all agree on is that Somizi really does have a good taste when it comes to fashion.
Not only did Somizi Mhlongo wear the mouthwatering outfit, however, there were plenty of other South African celebrities who were wearing outfits that caught the eyes of many people who were at the Durban July event, and also those who were watching from home.