These guys are allegedly considered to be South African celebrities with the best English ever. I can see on the comment section there that people are condemning the fact that they we are worshiping English language, instead of promoting the vannacular. To be honest Africa can never be free from English, Africa can never be free from western cultures, Africa can never be free from worshiping a white man. No matter what model of politics that may try to mould, but this system can never be changed.
It is better to join them if you can’t beat them, English is very much important for us to teach our kids. They must learn it knowing very well that the same English carries civilization and the development of our continent. There is no subject that can be understood better in vernacular than in English. It is the education that was adopted by hundreds of generations. We must know that English carries the basics, the fundamentals that can develop our continent, the system has been one of the most brutal point. It takes more than a complain, it takes more than emotions, it takes more than politics and the technology for this system to be changed.