Skeem saam viewers accuse soapie of promoting bullying with the Paxton character

Skeem saam is on a new season likewise the show added new cast. The school which happens to be the foundation of the soapie is known for its 100% pass rate and producing graduates that contribute to the development of its community.

However Turf High has now lost its reputation of high discipline, ever since Paxton Kgomo became part of the school, peace has never reigned. Paxton has been pranking teachers at the school which resulted in Mr Magongwa’s blindness.




Paxton comes from a rich family, his mother a psychologist and his father a bully CEO of Turf hospital. His character is obviously fuelled by his parents.

Paxton started a march against principal Thobakgale although he’s the cause of the school’s misappropriation. Paxton proves to be a selfish spoilt brat who always gets his way.

Viewers are finding the Paxton character unnecessary, perhaps most of them find it uneasy as they can relate. However skeem saam has always been educational , perhaps this time they want parents to realise how their parenting affects other people.

Principal Thobakgale stands to lose her job because of an ill disciplined child. Skeem saam might only be a soapie however parents must check their parenting skills.