Skeem Saam|| Phomolo tricked Khwezi about going to the doctor, he does not trust her


Phomolo had a flashback of Khwezi refusing to go and see the doctor so he decided that he will call her uncle to tell him that there was not going to be any lobola negotiations. Khwezi caught him and took his phone. She begged him not to cancel the lobola negotiations and told him that she would do anything including giving him proof that she is really pregnant.




She called her doctor and set up an appointment. When it was time to go, Phomolo changed his mind and told her that they were going to his doctor and not hers. She had no problem, she went with her. When the doctor was about to test her pregnancy, Phomolo requested that it should be done by blood samples and the doctor said that he would speed up the process so that they get their results before the end of the day. Khwezi kept on talking about the baby and Phomolo was annoyed. They went to hospital together and Khwezi continued to talk about Lehasa while showing off her pregnancy until the doctor noticed it and congratulated her.

Phomolo told the doctor that when Lehasa wakes up or there was any change, the doctor should only call him and no one else because he is Lehasa’s sole next of kin. Phomolo is the only one who can put Khwezi in her place.