Skeem Saam| Dragon shows Leeto who is the boss in Turf after he bought the shares he always wanted

Leeto is not even afraid of Dragon

Leeto bought a club that Dragon wanted to buy at as well. Leeto bought it quickly before Dragon was expecting it and he was not happy at all. He feels like Leeto stole the deal from him and he wanted the shares.


Everyone is against Leeto for buying the shares in the club, especially his parents. I still don’t understand why they treat him like a small boy while he is old enough to make his own decisions. Leeto reveals that now that he is a lawyer, he is living his father’s dream and he wants to be out there.

Leeto loves the street like with people like Dragon. He has always been like that because it’s the life he wants. His mother kicked him out of the house because he refused to sell the shares he just bought. Meikie and John should let Leeto live his life.