Showmax has announced that The Wife will take a two week break

Showmax to unschedule The Wife for two weeksby Ashia Nkontsa
The channel has announced that The Wife will take a two week break from next week from the 13th of February and come back on the 2nd of March.


— Showmax South Africa (@ShowmaxOnline) February 7, 2023

In as much as this is one of South Africs’s favorite Telenovela’s, fans have mixed reactions whether the show should come back with a new plot twist that would bring back interest to the drama or not come back at all.

They need the break shame bcs ayikho le ,hoping we will finally get Naledi his Love after this break🥲

— Lingomso_Mkundlu (@LingsM_) February 7, 2023

According to fans, Season 3 has just been confusing, fans have been sharing on their social media pages about the storyline dragging for too long and not making sense, concluding that season two and three are no match for season one.

I don’t know about yoll but the wife doesn’t give me the excitement anymore I mean this week’s episodes were not as exciting as season 1 made us feel…. So disappointing.#TheWifeShowmax

— snethembaNice (@Confide84164638) February 2, 2023

Perhaps this is exactly what the channel needs, to go back to the drawing board and bring back the excitement of this show.

I used to be 5am gang, but now I first “watch” on Twitter to see if the episodes are worth watching 💔
I wonder how the actors feel about the direction of S3… sigh 🥴 #TheWifeShowmax

— #KHOSITWALA❤ (@Fully_Lihle) February 2, 2023

The plans have not yet been announced about the show when it comes back, but for now, the loyal gang of the Telenovela should cross their fingers for a prime time worthy show.