Shona and Connie Ferguson: Their Love Story Through 5 Pictures

Shona and Connie Ferguson met in Johannesburg. Shona was dropping off mutual friends of her sister Lorato while on a visit to the city from his home in Botswana for a business course.





He asked for a glass of water and was about to leave when Connie came out of her room to say “hello”. “Hands down, it was love at first sight. She’d never admit, but that’s how it was for me.” The couple were married traditionally two months later.

Shona and Connie not only inspired the country with their success in business but also with the love and respect they showed each other through the years.

They were married for 20 years. Not only were Shona and Connie showing us that ‘fairy tale’ love is possible, they showed us that it also keeps you young. Just look at them! They look fantastic and are glistening with love for each other.