Beauty is the definition of african women all over the world . But the unusual beauty of sanele sophazi has got the attention of mzansi men and women .Many men have been drooling over this beautiful woman In the uniform of authority.
sanele sophazi is a cop from Durban kwazulu natal she is not only a cop but also famouse on different social media platforms an has thousands and thousands of follower on Instagram , facebook and many other social media platforms .
sanele is only 32 years old she works at the Pinetown police station,Sanele said social media users were flocking to her place of work to get their documents signed by her. On social media users asked to be handcuffed by her.
she said that when she is on duty like road blocks she sees people screaming from their cars cheering saying it’s really you . Some men write funny comments like “I would commit crime and break the law until I get arrested by you “.
Sophazi says yes she is beautiful but she does not want people to respect her because she is beautiful but to respect her because of her job and her duty as an officer .
sophazi mentioned that brands should message her just so they could get her as their ambassador for their companies. Her life was headed to a life of fame but she did not let that distract her from focusing on what’s more important ,her job .