Romeo outsmarts an enemy on Scandal!

Whoever plays someone Romeo loves is an enemy to no him especially Simo who has cost him his inheritance. Trying to get rid of Simo has been one hell of a bumpy ride only because Romeo was thinking with his heart not brains. He has been acting out of emotions and wasn’t thinking straight.

Grace is either blind or a fool for not wanting to realize her son wants what is best for her and Simo is not that ,his intentions aren’t even pure. I understand Romeo must let his mother make her own mistake but not only her heart is at stake here but also her hotel which she has put sweat and tears to.We have always known Romeo to be the master mind to get to the bottom of truth , remember Mthunzi and Thembeka’s recent incident. So finally he will think of hacking his cellphone and by the look of things that is the only way possible to get the truth before it’s late.

On the phone he will hear Simo and Mamba planning how to kill Grace so that they will have the hotel to themselves and its much easier now that she has disinherited him. We know Simo always managed to turn Romeo into a liar before his mother because he didn’t have tangible evidence but this time I doubt he will get out from this hell hole