South African actress Lydia Mokgokoloshi is best known for portraying Koko Mantsha on the hit TV show Skeem Saam. For those with an interest in SkeemSaam, Lydia has quickly become one of the best sources available. Koko Mantsha is portrayed in the SABC 1 cleanser referred to as “Skeem Saam” as the mother of Charity Ramabo and the grandmother of Katlego (kat) and Joseph (jojo).
Koko Mantsha, a performer with 81 years of experience, is a true legend. Among the many TV shows he has guest-starred in are Muvhango and Bophelo ke semphego.
As a seasoned actress, she has guest-starred on numerous series. Her adoring public constantly gushes over her in an unforced manner. She spent over 20 years teaching in Soweto after moving there from the little village of Botlokwa in Limpopo, where she was born. The continent of Africa is home to her birth. Koko Mantsha retired after more than twenty years as a teacher at the proficient level. She went all the way to Mokopane, where she completed her instructor training.
The 81-year-old actress has been famous for her role as the formidable Koko Mantsha since the first episode of the serial opera aired in 2011. Koko Mantsha’s existence up until this moment has been a nightmare. Koko Mantsha, a famous Skeem Saam performer, has no surviving offspring after the death of her only kid.
Since her career began in 2020, Lydia Mokgokoloshi, better known by her stage as Koko Mantsha, has been one of the most paid performers on Skeem Saam. The famous actor has been performing professionally for almost 30 years and has been in several soap operas, including Bophelo ke Semphekgo. To my absolute shock, SkeemSaam has not yet revised their compensation for the year 2021.
Koko Mantsha, as Lydia Mokgokoloshi, is an entertainer who is one of the highest-paid artists on the Skeem Saam arrangement. After paying monthly bills, Koko Mantsha nets around R35,000.