real reason why she retired and why she was doing emotionally on her last day at work

Unemployment continues to be one of the problems South Africa is facing, covid has made things worse because companies were closed they have to let go of some of their stuff.

People are being retrenched every day at work, it is scary because when people are desperate for money they end up turning to crime.With tax increasing, food, transport and many more but salaries remaining the economy is not doing well also.

Not long ago Noxolo Grootboom has made headlines all over the country with her emotional broadcast; it was her last day at work as she announced that she was retiringBut a worried fan took it to Facebook that is Noxolo was allegedly one of the people that was retrenched and she decided to take early retirement, I mean mama Noxolo still looks young this could be the reason why she was so emotional.

I hope she retired because she wanted to not because she was forced, this is heartbreaking losing a job can never be easy.