Mzansi Is Left Disappointed By This Two Ladies After They Did This To Pastor In #PastorWantsAWife

Mzansi Is Left Disappointed By This Two Ladies After They Did This To Pastor In #PastorWantsAWife

Source: Hashtag #PastorWantsAWife twitter page and Dstv Mzansi Magic Channel 161 latest episode




Pastors are usually good speakers, great with words. Mzansi has liked Pastor Tshego’s explanation of what is cultural and what is spiritual. Babalwa has dragged Pastor Tshego after he DMs her just after he elimination. Angela ad Babalwa seems to have a problem with pastor as they keeps on fighting with words.

Pastor needs to speak up, he can do whatever because he’s still searching. This ladies don’t know how to handle rejection. Babalwa is Beautiful but her attitude just erases all that beauty. Babalwa is boasting about being DM’d by Pastor, it does not change the fact that she won’t be the chosen one? Clearly she hasn’t healed from being eliminated.

These two they came on a mission to make the Pastor look bad and for the chosen lady to have doubts how embarrassing and also these women are born again. Pastor did well by not choosing Babalwa she thinks her beauty will work magic for her. She single with this character of yours.

Babalwa is a danger to herself and people around her, she needs to change her stinking attitude. She thinks she is too hot to be rejected. All of these women which were eliminated are all bitter, jealous and just sore losers. Babalwa is such a sore loser. We wish the remaining ladies may see the jealousy on the eliminated ladies and not judge the pastor according to their jealous perspective. Babalwa has tried by all means to tarnish Tshego’s name. Personality is important, look at Babalwa, she’s beautiful, but bcaecos of her personality, you can’t see dat, yiu just see a dark cloud.

Babalwa is the kind that harass men for not sticking with them, using every given opportunity forgetting that they are actually showing us how low minded,bitter,foolish and how much of losers they are. You cant look attractive with that rotten attitude.

As for the old woman called Angel, the judgemental castigator just like most people who pretend to be holy talk against the poor, those better than them and those they couldnt get as bf or friends. Angel, is busy pointing fingers to Pastor while her holier than thou attitude is sending to hell. This lady is an embarrassment to her church and christians as a whole.