Moana steals the show from her grave

She was classified among the A listers of Zimbabwe’s entertainment industry. She sadly passed away before she could realize her full potential.

That sums up the life of Moana who tragically passed away last month in a horrific car accident.

Moana was travelling in luxurious style with the now deceased Ginimbi

. She had just celebrated her birthday.

Drama upon drama has been playing out between Moana’s parents. Her dad and her mum have been at loggerheads.

But far away from the drama, Moana appears to be stealing the show from the grave.

The late socialite is trending on the social media streets after a video of her dancing was leaked to the media.

Nash TV have however done a little bit to give her fans a bit of an insight into the person of Moana after releasing a video showing the fitness bunny’s moments during Freeman’s video shoot.

Moana is easily seen in the video dancing and shaking what her mum gave her.

To view the video click on the link below.