Mary From Diep City look absolutely stunning off camera

Mary a character on Diep City is one of the craziest characters on the telenovela. She sells food with Snenhlanhla and always has something funny to say or do. She has been involved with Themba but has recently found a new boyfriend in Themba’s presence. At first Themba acted like he didn’t like Mary but has now developed a sense of jealousy after seeing her with another man.





The character is portrayed by Moshine Mo Mametja. She is quite very different from what she looks like in real life. On the story she’s always on a doek and work clothes but in real life Moshine is slaying. The 26 year old doesn’t look like Mary at all, she’s got sass.

She totally looks nothing like the woman she plays.

Moghel looks like a top model. She has a great body and skin tone. Hoping to see her on more telenovas as we would get to see the other side of her. Perhaps Mary should be given a make over on the show but may her character not change. She’s so funny.