Mamkhize Breaks Her Silence Regarding Sinky Mnisi’s Press Conference

he is disappointed that the media is focusing mostly on negative stories. She insists that the media did not call her when Royal AM ladies were announced. She feels that at times not much credit is given to Royal AM when it comes to positive contribution. When Pitso was there you did not call me she said.




– Mamkhize Wants More Positive Stories About Royal AM

She wants people to talk more about the positive as well not only speculation with no substance.

She wants to deal with the matter of the CEO internally not in the public.

A lot of people were shocked to hear that Royal AM CEO is taking leave when the season is about to start.

Sinky says Royal am is a credible team.

He confirmed that he got paid which proves that he is still a CEO at Royal AM

Sinky also insists that positive stories should also be the most talked about regarding Royal AM. He accuses journalists from Sowetan who keeps on hammering Royal AM.

He can’t believe that a journalist wrote that royal am did not accommodate the players after they bought Celtics status.

Sinky challenged people to come to “Royal Ranch” to see how many players they can accommodate, almost two teams can be accommodated.
– Sinky: What About Royal AM’s Success

Mnisi insists he warned Sowetan journalists previously about other speculation regarding the alleged suspension.

Sinky is just protecting his legacy.

He wants to protect his integrity.

Sinky said that Royal AM will be in the top 8 at the beginning of the season. They are now in Africa.

He is going to his farm to relax and heal.

Sinky insists that Royal AM is one of the most successful team in the PSL. They scored most goals during extra time and towards ninety minutes.

These are the stories that media should mostly talk he said.
