Inside Kwaito and Lizzy’s wedding

eagerly anticipated the union of Skeem Saam‘s Kwaito, portrayed by Clement Maosa, and Elizabeth Thobakgale, portrayed by Amanda Manku, over the past few weeks, and the momentous day has finally arrived. Yet, it didn’t unfold as seamlessly as depicted in the photos.

Lizzy, the bride, experienced a moment of hesitation on the morning of the wedding. This hesitation came after discussions with her elders about the roles and responsibilities expected of her as a wife. Additionally, her mother, who harbored reservations about Kwaito, added pressure on Lizzy to halt the wedding.

Meanwhile, the groom, Kwaito, almost missed his wedding due to a raucous bachelor party with his friends. Despite the unsettling events leading up to the ceremony, love prevailed as the two managed to stand together at the altar, vowing to cherish each other through thick and thin.