Makgotso Lee-Anne Makopo is famously known as Gogo Maweni is a popular South African TV reality star and traditional healer. She is vibrant and active and smart woman with massive thoughts on how to make her life successful. She is a true definition of brains and beauty and she has a sense of humour, style and personality.
She is passionate about her calling and she loves what she is doing. She is best known for appearing on the popular reality show Izangoma Zodumo on Moja Love Dstv channel. She is a hardworking woman and dedicated to her work and her family.
She is one of the bravest women in the country and she is intelligent and independent. She is currently 34 years old and she is kind and generous person and inspiring. On her recent post on social media account she left Mzansi astonished with her breathtaking pictures looking absolutely beautiful. Please comment, like, click and share.