This is the guy who has been living with a boy that he thought was son, but the boy looked exactly like his neighbour. After finding out, he kept on saying ‘uyabona wena, wena’. People kept on asking themselves when is that guy going to do something, he has been saying the same thing over and over again. People kept on saying how could the guy not see the guy next door looks like his son.
These scenes trend on twitter, his window got broken. This guy was talkative, he was talking throughout the show.
This guy really ran away and fetched a stone. Some people really have time, Uyajola 9/9 has brought laughter to some people. Uyajola 9/9 trended now and then, that is the proof that people love it.
Some scenes are just not forgettable, you can not forget scenes like these. These are the scenes that makes some people talk more about the show Uyajola 9/9.
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