Check out what MICASA’s J’something had to say about his wife.

Better known as J’something. His real name is Joao da Fonseca. He is originally from Portugal. He came to South Africa in the early two thousands (2007) when he was only seven years old. The specific place he moved into was the Eastern Cape province. He holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing from the University of Stellenbotch (CapeTown).




Fonseca is a guitarist, vocalist and part of the famous South African trio, MICASA. Alongside with Mo- T and Dr. Duda.

J’ something and his wife, Cordelia “Coco” Godi are celebrating a full ten years (10) into their marriage union. And, he shared the most heartlfelt message to his beautiful wife.

They are probably one of the most private married celebrity couples on the internet, only their love echoes through with so much light and greatness. J’something honors his wife and believes that she is a reflection of God’s love.