Check out Ex Lottery winner who spent his 5million on ladies and bought himself a cap

People who have won lottery have story to tell some have made their dreams become a reality while others spent theirs recklessly on things that never add value on ones life.

A man won lottery instead of spending and investing his money wisely he went all out to please street ladies who never added value in his life the day he ran dry. This man from Limpopo won a whooping 5million lottery jackpot and was lucky enough to be taken out of poverty over night.

The following day after withdrawing his money from lottery head offices the man went all out to please girl’s around his hood buying them clothes, and blessing his girlfriend beith a tazz worth R35k. Later on spent his earnings on alcohol and pyramid scheme that milked him dry.

Loosing him millions on a scam he joined, with disappointment the man decided to turn his life on alcohol and got broke in less than 8months after being able to buy himself a cap worth R35.