Anele Mdoda wants footage from the hotel she’s staying in: here’s her reason

Anele Mdoda is a South African Media personality. She has been in CapeTown for the Miss SA contest as a judge. Anele went on twitter to say that there was something that is happening in CapeTown and it seems like it has something to do with human trafficking. She said that there are two men who came into her room last night. She says they came and unlocked the room using their own key whilst she was inside.

Mdoda said that she wanted to see the hotel footage in order to get to the bottom of things. She has however said that she now has the answers, and also that the incident was not related to the human trafficking syndicate. She said they have found out who it was, and the reasons, and also that she is now waiting to see how the whole thing will be resolved.

Hotels are supposed to be a safe place, where one does not expect anyone to burge in unannounced. One is supposed to have all the privacy in a hotel.