Makhadzi has taken it to social media few hours ago regarding the problems that has surrounded the Malinga household. Makhadzi said she wanted the details of Dr Malinga because she wanted to ask him to join her on her biggest show that she will be hosting in Limpopo. Her show is called One Woman Show where she will be performing her songs to her fans in her hometown. It did not take Makhadzi an hour to get to Dr Malinga and he is already on board willing to do this show with the queen Makhadzi.
Makhadzi says she will be sharing the profit that she will be getting from the show. I am sure that it will be enough because people love Makhadzi and people will definitely come in numbers to support both them.
She wants artists like Dr Malinga not to fall down but remember that he is not alone through this difficult time. Dr Malinga is grateful for what Makhadzi is doing for him, this will definitely make his life easier and be able to pay some of his debts and feed his loving family. Many people are showing Dr Malinga support and sending him donations it is really amazing, Innocent Masuku also sent a very touching message to Malinga. He says that he understands the feeling of losing everything that you own because he has been there before.
She has been praised on social media for what she is doing for Dr Malinga. Since Makhadzi came to the entertainment industry she has been helping many people, from make up artists to her fellow colleagues in the music industry. This is really amazing because she is showing the people of this country humanity and always be there for other people when they need help. More blessings will definitely come for Makhadzi and her career.