Dj Sbu left her fans jealous after he posted his pictures in social media. Mzansi has been loving the picture he took 10 years ago where he was still looking young and handsome.
With caption: “That was me almost 10 Years ago guys. Friends Like These days. I popularized that flower Nton Nton. I taught gents to do their manicures. Before I became SoNtshebe” He wrote.
DJ Sbu is a South African Dj and entrepreneur. Dj Sbu has been has making waves in the business industry. Manynfollowers has been saying that he is looking more handsome than before. He is one of the lost richest and influential persons in the entertainment industry and in business space.
The pictures of him which her recently lost on social media has been a remark of how he used to look like. Many glans and followers are saying that money one that changes him to look the way he is looking.
Dj Sbu has been causing stress in social media. Fans and viewers has been having mixed reactions after seeing his new look 10 years after the picture he posted in social media. The picture he posted was 10years ago. The South African Dj is now an entrepreneur who is manufacturing his own energy drink.
Mzansi has been reacting to his videos which he post in social media. Mzansi has been saying that he has stopped loving himself as he looked unkept and pale. His recent pictures holds the energy drinks has een raising too much of questions lately.
Dj Sbu is know as one of the entrepreneur who is working lose with youth development. The South African Dj is one of the types Dj and also businessman. Dj Sbu is not crazy as many followers has been saying because of his look.
Take a look at some of his pictures before and after 10 years. Do you like the new DJ Sbu or you like the old DJ Sbu? Don’t forget to like our page for more latest news.