Fans were laughing at Andile after Sithelo didi this to him, so Andile Mpisane went live on his instagram page with his friends, he was basically saying that he needs atleast 5k views so that he can give away ten thousand cash to a lucky winner. While he was begging people to be on his live, Sithelo then went live on her own instagram page as well, she grew faster than him and she was on 9k views in just a few minutes. Andile on the other hand was struggling to reach 2k views and the views were just decreasing instead of increasing and as a result he turned off his live because a lot of his views were now watching Sithelo Shozi.
Sithelo on her live was just enjoying life chatting with her friends and drinking while smoking. A lot of their fans and followers were just laughing at Andile Mpisane for being a joke like that in public, some fans were feeling sorry for him. These following are screen shots of their live videos and the number of views :