Dineo Ranaka had been suspended from Metro FM for her #UmlamdoChallenge video. Dineo Ranaka, like many South Africans, took part in the trending #UmlandoChallenge, and her rendition was dancing in the Metro FM studios situated in the Auckland Park, Johannesburg SABC building.
Dineo Ranaka’s full suspension details
Marian Nyako Lartay covered for her in the radio show called The Bridge. People started questioning where the original presenter was if she was ill, or what. A source then leaked the story to news publications; the station released a public statement after the leak. Dineo was absent from work for multiple days without any explanation. SABC’s Group Executive for Corporate Affairs, Gugu Ntuli, confirmed the suspension.
Charge for the presenter’s suspension
On Dineo’s rendition of the challenge, she danced on top of office chairs and office tables. South African Broadcasting Corporation has been operational and profitable for years. An employee dancing on their furniture is inappropriate, especially on a public platform. Looking back at the many presenters who have worked for Metro FM and those currently working for the station like Bonang Matheba, DJ MoFlava, Lerato Kganyago, Dj Fresh, and many more, none of them has been caught doing something like this. Her suspension’s charge was classified under misconduct.
Dineo Ranaka
Tweeps expressed their opinions on the matter, and there’s quite a division in the social media space.
People expressed that Dineo’s #Umlandochallenge video was not entertaining. To begin with, the reason why she was suspended is due to Metro FM trying to distance itself from her dance moves.
Some people think dancing on the furniture was a minor offense, and a verbal warning would’ve been enough; they speculate that Dineo has been skating on thin ice for some time now; her video was just an excuse to rid her momentarily.
Dineo has a lot of fans and people who dislike her. People weighed in on how to mean she could be and that the suspension was just.