Zwido From Mina Nawe Bought A Second Hand Car But She Was Afraid To Reveal It Because Of This

Zwido is a young lady from Naturena in Soweto. She is a 25-year-old mother of one handsome baby boy whom he name Junior. She was known to be Livhuwani’s girlfriend on the reality show called “Mina Nawe”.

This young girl was in an abusive relationship and they seemed help but unfortunately things didn’t work out for both of them. They had to break up and during the last episode of Mina Nawe season finale Zwido revealed that she was seeing someone else. She didn’t want to reveal the name of her current boyfriend but she told Somizi and the viewers that she had broken up with Livhuwani and was seeing someone else.

This young lady bought herself a second hand car, she was happy to share the news with the whole of South Africans as she knew that they were her fans. Apparently on some family gathering one of her family made a very disturbing comment about her achievement. It is so painful to have family that will say the most hurtful things when you need them to support you.

When you grow and become a little successful in life not everyone will like that. Some people would like to see you crying and asking for help knowing that they wouldn’t help you but they just want to see you suffer.