#ZumaProtest Ntando Duma’s Baby Daddy Junior De Rocka Did The Unexpected

Many celebrities have been quiet about the looting which has been going on. Some people were even blaming them for not using the same influence they use to gain followers to bring peace. It should not be a force matter even if you are a celebrity therefore you are allowed to be on whoever side. As long as the celebrity does not incite violence since he or she has enough influence to make a lot of people stick to his or her opinion.





Unlike Jub Jub who wanted to gain a fan base by inciting violence “Let them steal”. Jub jub said that these people are oppressed they are stealing because of hunger and poverty, why is the president calling grannies hooligans. This inflicted anger upon many of the protestors and it is not good at all. Jub jub dissapointed many people with his statement.