Zizo Tshwete shows of her sons’ cute big smiles.

Being a mother is one of the most treasured gifts in the world. It is something that you can’t undo or get rid of. It becomes easy when you are ready for it. To fully give your life to a little part of you and watch them make your life magical.

Zizo Tshwete became a mother for the second time this year, to a beautiful baby baby named Akha whom she adopted with her baby daddy. The television presenter loves her boys with her whole heart. Being a mother comes naturally and she is killing it.

She always leaves Mzansi in stitches whenever she posts them. VK and Akha seem like a lot of trouble. She shared pictures of them having on some of the biggest smiles ever. We can’t help but notice how she is raising two happy boys. VK seems to love his little brother a lot especially seems he gets to get away with lot of things, saying it’s him.