Zinzile is perplexed to learn that the Ngemas do not have a home anymore | Scandal

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Picture Source: https://twitter.com/etvScandal/status/1421889471046426626?s=19

Secrets can build, only to later destroy. The Ngema family is broken and has even lost a home because of the secrets that were hidden for a number of years.

The truth that, Mlungisi learned that he had a daughter and the child’s mother was sick, Zinzile took her as her own after her mother died remains one that proves that she has a heart of gold.

As much as she managed to take Omphile as her own and forgave Mlungisi for having a child outside of their marriage – it really perplexes one that Mlungisi failed to forgive Zinzile for sleeping with Neo Mokhethi.

Mlungisi’s anger drove him to error. He kicked his wife out and took Nonzi in. Nonzi was an influencer and was Ndumiso’s girlfriend. When she saw that, things were going the way they were going for Mlungisi and his family, she saw that as a window of opportunity.

She started nicely with Mlu and what they had was going well. Until she forced him to kick his wife out of the house.

She denied him sex for quite some time until he kicked the wife out of the house.

Fast forward to after she had given him “muthi”. He did everything she commanded and demanded him to do. From lobola to signing the house away to her, washing her underwear, scrubbing the floor and etcetera. She really got him exactly where she wanted him.

The Ngemas managed to “flush” the muthi out of Mlu’s system. Did they do it too little too late? Zinzile will be very perplexed to find out that they no longer own the house.

How would you feel if you were Zinzile? Would you continue to fight for your marriage as well as the house?




Will the Ngemas defeat Nonzi?

Let’s watch, wait and see.

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