Zenande Mfenyana Gushes Over Hubby They are so cute

Post main imageNew mommy Zenande Mfenyana took to Twitter recently to gush over her hubby. Commending him on his fitness.
My hubs is so fit, he inspires me each morning to work harder at my fitness goals…I’ve got such a long way to go 😢 but at least I’m trying. I grew a human in me in 202🤰🏽, in 202🚶🏾‍♀️need to get back into shape

— Zenande Mfenyana (@Zenande_Mcfen) January 2, 2021The Queen actress has opened up about losing a friend last year. She did not go into detail about how the friendship ended but the break up is taking it’s toll on her. Not revealing the identity of the once close friend who broke up with her, she said “Unrequited love happens even in friendships kanti? It’s my first time experiencing heartbreak over a friend. I guess I must take my L in peace and let her be…”The broody mom probably will not let the friendship affect her that much since her daughter is the center of her universe. The new mom gushes over her daughter a lot on social media and she does that without posting any of her pictures.

The actress also revealed that she is really loving motherhood. “This is the heaven she imagined. I see it in how happy my daughter is. It’s lovely here at mommyville.”

The new mom also said that she’d like to meet up with some of her friends from pre-school. Out of her own curiosity, she’d like to see where they are in life right now. “I have this deep longing to meet up with people I went to kindergarten with, I just wana see them and see how they’re doing and stuff you know? That’s just my curious nature playing out I guess.”

Zenande took to social media to reveal which song she doesn’t want her baby knowing, it’s the popular baby song called Baby Shark. One of the songs I’m not introducing my daughter to is “Baby shark” that song is annoying.” Tweeted Zendande. “She doesn’t ever have to know about it. Her swimming instructor started singing it when I took her for her floatation and I said “no ma’am, pick another song please”

Mfenyana will be making her big come back on the popular telenovela The Queen late this year. Unlike her friend Rami Chuene who bad mouthed The Fergusons, she is keeping her mouth shut. She has to keep her job afterall.

She did tease that she has some tea to spill, however retracted her statement when she said “Hands Off The Fergusons.”