Mzansi star Zakes Bantwini recently celebrated his birthday with a lavish celebration. Stars such as Boity Thulo, rapper KO and Nadia Nakai all joined the Osama hitmaker and his wife Nandi Madida at the birthday party. A highlight of the evening was unveiling the luxurious Mercedes Benz that the Grammy-award-winning artist will be driving for the next year.
According to reports, the car was handed over to him by the car maker as part of their partnership. It also reportedly costs over R3 million and is the epitome of luxury.
Zakes Bantwini
Local artist Zakes Bantwini has brought us hits such as Asanda, Wasting My Time and Osama which has attributed to many happy dance moments in SA.
This is why it is only fitting that his birthday is celebrated with as much merriment and cheer as possible.
Zakes Bantwini
His loving wife Nandi Madida made sure this happened for his 43rd birthday this year with a star-studded birthday party.
Taking to Instagram on Friday this week, Zakes shared a number of photos from the event which had all our favourite local stars such as Boity, KO, Pearl Thusi, and Nadia Nakai in attendance.
A highlight from the evening was the unveiling of a Mercedes Benz AMG EQS 53 4MATIC which has been given to the star by the car company for a whole 12 months as part of their recent partnership.