Zahara’s Fiance Works At Shoprite? Here’s The Truth About The Guy, See Here

People have not really gotten that much time to understand how Zahara’s fiance got to be in the picture, it is almost as if he just came out of nowhere.




But, maybe the singer was just too careful not to put him out there till it was necessary to do so and now that he has proposed, she probably felt that the time was right. And it could be that he is the one for her and he is probably able to support Zahara in more ways than one.

There were questions about the guy and how he managed to be with Zahara and because there are people with their agendas, it was alleged that the guy is a chancer who wants something from the singer.

Another allegation was that, he works at Shoprite and a lot of people reacted to this and this was all happening under Zahara’s comment section.

At first, people believed that the guy works at Shoprite and they talked about how it is not a surprise because Zahara has fallen off.

The reactions kept coming and as you can see, there were some jokes about Zahara’s drinking problem, which is unfortunate, but this is how people will be when the intention is to put one down till they are no longer relevant.

As for the singer, she did not entertain any of this because it turns out that the guy is actually not a worker at Shoprite, he is an engineer and this is according to SurgeZirc, a global multimedia blogging company.

This has shown that people are quick to judge, they always assume things based on what they know, they do not even know this guy and already, they accused him of a number of things.

What matters at this point is that, Zahara is happy and people are bound to talk, besides, she posted the pictures, showing that she is now engaged, so she probably knew what would happen as a result of that.

People are probably looking forward to the day when the singer walks down the isle. It is a beautiful thing to witness and hopefully, the two are in this to support each other and grow together throughout the journey as a married couple.

It is never going to easy, especially because Zahara is a well-known singer in the country, it is commendable that the guy chose to be with her regardless of who she is.

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