Zahara post a picture on the first class section flying to Ghana

Zahara shares a picture of herself from the business class section and flying to Ghana. Being in a business class section means she is back on track and doing well for herself. Speaking about what happened with her on the Podcast and Chill with MacG has helped her. She is not the only one with great opportunities. Mpho Pops, Tbo Touch, Solphenduka and many more have got new opportunities to change their lives.


Zahara mentioned as their are people whom she did not mention and they are trying to take her down and it would not allow her to flourish. “There were people who are constantly taking and taking. Right now, I am in a good place, and I am focusing on myself and my happiness.” She is also grateful for all the people who helped to save her home. “I am grateful to everyone who prayed for me and who contributed towards me saving my home.”

Mpho Pops joked about the podcast being useful for making a comeback. It was after Dr. Malinga broke down on the podcast that it was a great platform for him to speak. Now he is back and getting gigs and being able to pay SARS the money he owes. He is telling the truth. Many of them got their place back. At the moment, one person people are waiting for is Innocent Masuku to get back into the role.

When it comes to the public domain, others are not happy because she is traveling in the business class section. They have made it clear that they do not want to hear any stories about someone robbing her and other fans are simply grateful for the opportunity to perform from a different country. Life is going well for herself and it is her major responsibility to never go broke again.

The past two years have not been easy for singer and songwriter Bulelwa “Zahara” Mkutukana. Now that she feels renewed, a reality TV show is expected to hit the screen soon. That will be a major boost and making a comeback. She may not have a huge hit song yet, but is good being on the high note. “I am in a good space. I have cut a lot of toxic energies and people who are not good for me.”