Zahara lets fans into her personal life

Phil Mphela, a pundit on the entertainment industry, has given fans a sneak peek at what they may anticipate from the next reality program of South African musician and composer Zahara.

The Lolilwe hitmaker has secured a spot on a brand new reality show that will air on SABC 1 later this year. At the SABC Video Entertainment showcase that took place in Johannesburg earlier today, Phil showed a clip from the show that was played there.

The trailer provides viewers with an early peak at what they may anticipate seeing on the reality show when it premieres on February 4th.








Zahara lets fans into her personal life

She says, “I have not mistreated anyone here in Gauteng, but they think they have the right to torture me. For what? Who did I wrong?”

Zahara says, “I did not want to involve other people, so I spoke about my financial troubles and the fact that my house was going to be repossessed. I am attractive, but I did not want to open my legs for men because there are many millionaires and billionaires who want me.”

Zahara lets fans into her personal life
Recently, it was brought to light that Zahara has a tendency to act like a diva when filming her reality program. The station reportedly presented her with an ultimatum, saying that if she did not cease mistreating her coworkers, she would be fired.

“After she missed a shot and asked the producers to come to her at a different site, they were forced to convene a meeting with the SABC on Wednesday. According to the insider, “she told the film crew that she was going to be hanging out with some guy in Katlehong and that they should follow her there if they wanted to film that day.”

After we had gone to her house to film her with her family, she got into an argument with a member of her management team at the East London airport, which caused her to miss her flight back to Johannesburg, according to another source. This occurred after we had gone to her house to film her with her family.

It has been reported that the SABC made threats to cancel the show in the event that Zahara did not stop acting like a “problem child.”

The show depends on her cleaning up her act, and it’s sad that she doesn’t seem to understand her own brand and acts out of character. It isn’t good [for her image],” the source added. “She did [behave herself] for the time being. She’s been filming properly and is expected to wrap everything up this week.”

There have been reports that SABC has threatened to cancel Zahara’s reality show.
Diva tendencies in the entertainment industry are not something that surprises people when they are revealed; instead, we hear numerous reports of celebrities being accused of being unprofessional. Award-winning Afro soul singer Zahara is the most recent celebrity to be accused of having diva tendencies.

The singer is reportedly working on a reality show that will soon premiere on SABC. According to City Press, the singer has been given an ultimatum by the public broadcaster, which states that the channel may cancel her reality show if she does not stop acting like a diva.

The publication’s source claims that shooting was recently halted because Zahara and the production team were evidently not on the same page, and it is also rumored that the Loliwe hitmaker failed to pitch for shoots on multiple occasions.

She missed a shoot and asked the producers to come to her at a different location. She said that she was visiting some guy in Katlehong and that the film crew should follow her there if they wanted to film that day, according to the source. “They had to call a meeting with the SABC on Wednesday after she missed a shoot and asked the producers to come to her at a different location.”

According to a second source, Zahara’s tendency to act like a diva is worsening. “She missed a flight back to Johannesburg because she’d had a quarrel with a member of her management team at the East London airport after we’d gone to her home to film her with her family,” the source said. “We went to her home to film her with her family.”

It has been reported that the SABC made threats to cancel the show in the event that Zahara did not stop acting like a “problem child.”

The show depends on her cleaning up her act, and it’s sad that she doesn’t seem to understand her own brand and acts out of character. It isn’t good [for her image],” the source added. “She did [behave herself] for the time being. She’s been filming properly and is expected to wrap everything up this week.”

During a conversation that took place a couple of months ago between Zahara and Drum about her reality TV program, Zahara stated, “We are in the last planning stages of the reality show and we will start shooting next week.”

The singer revealed that she is finally ready to share her story her way and let people into her life. “People think they know me, but they don’t really know me. I want to show people my spiritual side, my family, my close friend, and who I am dating,” she said. “I know people love Zahara and I want even the mama in the village who I have healed through my music to see how I live and how I think. It will be unscripted and show who I truly am.”