Young Lady’s Ability to Switch It Up on Weekends Impresses South Africa: “You Ain’t the Same Person”

bestmvle Sjava, a social media user, showed off her daily vs. weekend appearance, and South Africans are loving it. There was no trace of embarrassment in her eyes when she changed from a dirt-caked garment to a trendy and elegant one. The contrast between her two appearances drew the attention of hundreds of social media users who are enamored with her ability to alter it up.

When the occasion calls for it, Twitter user @bestmvle Sjava knows how to shake things up. A photo on her page shows her posing in front of a tomato field, enjoying the dirt. The second image of her, dressed to kill, is attached to the same post.

@bestmvle Sjava was placed in a booth at a posh restaurant. The post that contrasts her daily and weekend looks plainly demonstrates that pride, confidence, and vibrancy emanate from her both at work and when she decides to go out.

Thousands of social media users liked the post, and many couldn’t help but encourage her in the comments area.