“You are not an American Celebrity”: FANS grilling DJ Lamiez after she did this to her fans

DJ Lamiez is currently the beat DJ in South Africa. Her style of entertaining her fans while DJ’ng is what brought so much attention from fans and loving her to this extend . However as a celebrity, there’s a point where you have to draw the line and that is something that most fans will never agree with you as they believe you became successful because of them.
Yesterday  fans were left shocked and speechless after Lamiez went to Perfom at Maongo Amatsapa Lodge . Upon her arrival , fans welcomed her with warm hearts but Unfortunately for her, she chose to give them a very weird reactions which ruined the whole mood of the people . Her performance was live so you could see everything from when she enters the stage and when she started to DJ. There was a lady on a dress who first approached her asking for a picture. The look Lamiez gave her was not pleasant at all. Poor lady had to even pretended that she was taking pictures with someone else other than Lamiez.

When fans saw this, they started making comments grilling Lamiez on the live video saying that Lamiez was acting like an American celebrity who gets paid in dollars. According to them, she was very cold towards her fans and that is not a good thing to do especially when those people are the reason you get booked and paid at the end of the day . There are those who believes her behaviour was because she had came with her husband Khuli Chana, but even so, it was just not ok for her to have dismissed and looked down on her fans like that . Again her fan is also being blamed for not greeting her as she just started taking pictures when she saw Lamiez comes in.


I think being a person who works with people should teach people to be extra careful out there , fans can make or break you and your career if you are not being careful. Lamiez was just trying to be a DJ and a wife at the same time of which seemed to have not worked . Next time she should leave hubby at home and go give her full attention to her fans without having to look around her shoulder just in case she does something wrong in the eyes of her husband.

Please do share your comments. Let us know what do you think about her reaction. Is it right or wrong  to have treated her fans like that ?