“You Are A Pathetic Excuse For A Human Being” Keke Mphuthi slams her childhood bullies

Lately, we’ve been seeing more and more celebrities being vulnerable and opening up about issues that seriously affected the way they look at life today. More recently, television actress Keke Mphuthi took to her IGTV to reveal that she was a victim of bullying during her teenage years.

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“like many others have endured bullying, and sadly it came from even the closest of people(Family). Many times I cried myself to sleep and endured endless cutting of my wrists too. The physical pain was better than the psychological and emotional pain I was going through of +-13years of my life.”

In the caption of her video, the star revealed that it took many years of hard work for her to regain her confidence. “It took so much of myself to find healing and claim my power back, but that also came with CUTTING OFF ALOT OF TOXIC INDIVIDUALS. Yes, I still experience bullying(I mean duh look at my industry šŸ˜…) but trust me it doesnā€™t do the ā€œdamageā€ it was meant to.”

Getting into the deets of the bullying from her childhood, Keke revealed that she used to be called names. “I think the one that got to me the most was Harry Potter because I am too harry for society to comprehend. So much so that they didn’t know whether to place me as a normal girl or as a weirdo.”

This caused the Unmarried actress to fall into depression. At some point, she just wanted to die. “I fell into the mental trap. I fell into the psychological damage. I fell into the pain, I fell into the cutting and the crying and the isolating. I fell into it all, so much so that I just wanted to die. Bullies, I sincerely hope that you guys got what you wanted.” She went on to slam everyone who caused her so much pain during her childhood years. “I hope that each and every one of you are super-rich. From the pain that you’ve brought everyone that you bullied because you know what, you are pathetic. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being. That much so you must know.”

In closing, Keke revealed that it took her almost ten years to recover from all the bullying. She also claimed back her power, which we’re here for.

It took me seven years to undo the damage that was done to me for more than ten years. All because you, had a problem with me. Problems that I didn’t even know that I had. I can’t sit here and talk for you. I don’t know what your problem was or your problem is. One thing that I can you and the rest of the world is that darling, I am too blessed to be stressed. Too anointed to be disappointed and you know what, this is my world, my rules.