Withdrawal of bank notes and coins is fake, Reserve Bank warns

The warning comes after hoax messages doing the rounds claimed the Reserve Bank was 'recalling' notes and coins.The warning comes after hoax messages doing the rounds claimed the Reserve Bank was ‘recalling’ notes and coins.
Image: Leon Swart/123rf.com
The withdrawal of banknotes and coins due the Covid-19 outbreak is fake, the SA Reserve Bank (SARB) warned on Wednesday.

The warning comes after hoax messages doing the rounds claimed the bank was “recalling” notes and coins from the public.

“It is believed that criminal elements are visiting the homes of members of the public, telling them to hand over banknotes in their possession because the banknotes have been contaminated with the coronavirus.

“These criminal elements carry fake SARB identification and provide false receipts in lieu of the banknotes collected, which they purport can be collected from any of the banks.

“The SARB has neither withdrawn any banknotes or coins, nor issued any instruction to hand in banknotes or coins that may be contaminated with the Covid-19 virus,” it said in a statement.The SARB urged community members to immediately alert law-enforcement authorities should they be approached by bogus Reserve Bank employees.

Meanwhile, the SA Revenue Service (Sars) said it had implemented strict general hygiene and social distancing to curb the spread of Covid-19.

Taxpayers are discouraged from visiting branches and instead encouraged to make use of the eFiling platform.

A maximum of 100 taxpayers would be allowed into a branch at the time.

Commissioner Edward Kieswetter said all their branches and ports of entry had been equipped with hand sanitisers.

“Our staff have also been provided with additional protective gear, such as gloves, and, where required, additional protective equipment suits.

“We request everyone to observe strict one-metre distances and avoid person to person contact as far as possible.”

Kieswetter said the revenue service would also no longer issue tax reference numbers for the purpose of employment at its branches. The eFiling system and mobiApp would cater for this.

Kieswetter said at ports of entry, physical contact with travellers must be avoided, non-intrusive detecting devices, such as baggage scanners, would be made use of and officials would be issued with additional protective clothing and gear.

“During these times, please be assured that we aim to provide continuity of the necessary engagement with taxpayers and traders, while balancing the risk of the coronavirus from spreading through the various measures to protect our staff, as well as yourselves.