So now with all that being that way if you should look at Skeem Saam it seems like the whole storyline of lehasa might be heading there too I mean look at how many times lehasa has escaped the police before this whole court thing, look at how things are going back and forth at court in terms of testimonies and how leeto is for him?
Looking at that court case do you think Leeoto will be able to save Lehasa from going to prison? I mean when the trial began it all seemed like the testimony by the likes of Eunice and Emkay will nail Lehasa but look at what leeto did with Eunice at court? Could leeto be the breakthrough for lehasa in this case?
Check out what various people have come and said regarding this whole situation
With all this being said and things being the way they are regarding this case what is it that you have in mind as a reader and a viewer of Skeem Saam? Do you see Peterson, Emkay, and Eunice winning against Leeto especially now when Kwezi has decided to go on Lehasa’s side?
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