Why S4 Of The River Is Dull The fans have spoken…

Post main imageFans of The River find season 4 boring and extremely predictable. It feels like the show hasn’t been the same since Larona Moagi exited the novella…the same character who fans wanted gone, now miss her. Though the actress was constantly ridiculed and bashed for her acting skills, fans now agree that she brought drama and suspense to the show.It feels like something is missing! We know that Zweli suspects Lindiwe of murder and the two have been quietly budding heads but nothing has come off it. They made up as usual and Lindiwe will get away with murder as usual.

Even the Refliwe township that usually has a lot happening is the driest place. The whole Mabutho and Kabzela blessers storyline hasn’t intrigued fans, even Cobra’s constant humour hasn’t saved the township. It feels like the whole show is standing still because Lindiwe and Zweli are incapable of carrying the show alone.

Another character that’s become furniture is Emma. Now that Emma and Lindiwe and Zolani are on the same page and have become family…what’s to become of her character?

Will we see her now hosting Sunday lunches in Lindiwe’s house and raising her daughter with Zolani? ZZzzzz
The show will give viewers epic, hair raising drama on the last 3 minutes on Fridays, then have nothing to show for it come Monday…#predictable.

Fans have now admitted that they are taking a break from the show because they feel like it’s lacking a lot ingredients!

Here are some comments from viewers of the show:
“Honestly speaking the river is losing the standard shem aii they must just take a month break to recollect themselves cos nou yana aii no Season4 ya depressa, Can @Larii_M_come back tuuuuu.”

“I have to agree, something is missing. It’s now that show that even if you don’t watch for some time, you won’t miss much…”

“So that’s why I haven’t watched #TheRiver1Magic s4, it’s like eating white rice everyday.”

“Yah noo it’s not on eyy haven’t watched the River for weeks now.”

“Her storyline was good, the acting not so much. Had it been a talented actor we would be singing a different tune.”